I have a Microsoft TMG server integrated with DLP Web Prevent and I am trying to use the authenticated proxy user to then do a LDAP lookup.
I have written a VB Script that is to pull in the values from the system and then parse the username info from a string that contains the username.
The DLP system has the following content for the sender-email variable.
sender-email=Negotiate ://DOMAIN\Username
Though for some reason when I bring in this data to the system there is a STDIN error and fails the validation:
04 Jan 2013 09:13:15,974- Thread: 42 FINE [com.vontu.lookup.script.ScriptUtility] Validating sender-email=Negotiate ://DOMAIN\Username - false
After this happens the script or system truncates the variable to the following
This obviously removes the data that I need.
For those who are good at VB script I have defined the input of the variables as:
Dim objArgs : Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
Is this the possible problem?
Does anyone know how to do one of the following:
- Find a way to have the system keep the whole string?
- Modify the TMG server to not use the '\\' which is what I think is causing the STDIN error.
- Have gotten a script to work with the TMG proxy.