SEP Management and console installed a few weeks ago on both SEPM servers. Windows server 2008R2.
I run the CONSOLE from workstations - Windows 7 machines. In the "GUI" when viewing clients (groups, the clients within the groups) we used to be able to click on the heading of a column and sort by that column. Want to sort by computer IP, click on the IP address column heading and it would sort. It would sort on literally all/any column, computer name, user name, VIRUS definitins so you could tell at a glance the version of defs running.
Not any more. Starting with SEPM verions 12.1.3001.165 you can NOT sort on the virus defs date column. I've confirmed this on multiple computers.
I can still sort on the other columns, but if you choose the Clients tab on the left, Clients tab on the top, and View Protection Technology (dropdown) and click the Virus Definitions heading, there is no change, no arrow up or down, the mouse curser doesn't change, there's no link there. The others that I have tested seem to work fine.
So I guess I'm reporting a bug or broken product starting with 12.1.3001.165 as it was fine just prior to the install - I use that sort method a LOT, daily.Or I used to use it daily until I upgraded the SEPM servers and thus the console.