We have just recently upgraded from 11.0.7 to 12.1.4 on out management severer.
I have a couple of thousand clients spread around approximately 50 locations.
On the 11.0.7 platform I had to create 50 different LiveUpdate policies witch pointed to a unique GUP provider on a unique location.
Then I had to create a Location awareness policy that specified the IP arrange (for example to on that same unique location.
This has been working fine, but seems a bit messy.
With 12.1.4 there has been mentioned that this is now much easier to do in 12.1.4.
Either with Multiple Group Update Providers or the Explicit Group Update Provider.
I must admit I can’t really get the hang of it from reading the PDF “Symantec™ Endpoint Protection and Symantec Network Access Control Installation and Administration Guide”.
Does anyone have a clue if it really is better in 12.1.4?
And how to do it?
Best regards