I need a solution
I am simply trying to export a simple WDE Activity report. I put in my email address to get the report but it always fails. The mail queue states "connect to XXXX.XXXXX.net[XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX]: connection refused". I see no data regarding this in any of the logs other than the admin log providing the following:
WDE Activity report retrieval email to XXX.XXX@XXX.com Fri Jan 31, 2014 at 7:31:01 AM -08:00
WDE Activity report is generated and saved to:1391182261806
Really the ONLY thing I want here is the report. I don't care if I get system generated emails functioning or not, to be honest. Is there any way to get these reports without having them emailed? If not, how do I fix this issue?
PGP Universal Server Version: 3.2.1 MP5 (Build 5033)