I've just installed SMSMSE on our Exchange Servers, and everything went fine.
While reading the "Getting Started Guide" one paragraph put the hook on me.
This guide can be found here : http://www.symantec.com/docs/DOC6755
Mail Security automatically installs custom transport agents when you install the
product on Hub Transport or Edge Transport servers. The Mail Security transport
agents consist of an antispam transport agent and an antivirus transport agent.
By default, the Mail Security transport agents are installed with a lower priority
than the Exchange transport agents. If you modify your transport agent priorities,
ensure that the Mail Security transport agents remain a lower priority than the
Exchange transport agents.
Why does the "custom agent" use a lower priority than the usual transport connector? It implies that some mails won't be submitted to the scan engine?
Can someone explain me how an e-mail passing by the received connector is submitted to SMSMSE engine?
I dont find any config related to transport in SMSMSE's console...
Thanks in advance!
Kind regards,