We have a very odd problem - first time this has ever come up. We have PGP Command Line version 9 on our Solaris box and do both key-based and passphrase encryption. This is in regards to the latter.
We just had a process create 3 SDAs and sent them to the vendor, who promptly replied that they could not decrypt the one. So we tried it. After the third file, we got the message "XXXX.exe has stopped working. Windows will close this program...".
We tried manually creating the SDA, but got the same thing, so I moved the third file to the end of the list of files to encrypt. The resulting SDA was able to successfully decrypt.
I looked at the two files to see if there was anything within the files that would cause a problem. Nothing. The file names are nearly identical except for 4 characters and there are no special characters except underscores in the filenames.
Since no one here has ever encountered such a thing, I tried to find if anyone else has encountered this. If they have, it it well hidden.
Please do not tell me to upgrade to version 10. I am not in charge of installs.