HI guy,
i have a problem with Live Update Administrator LUA.
I have installed LUA but at the login an error message is telling me "Error logging in. Invalid username or password"
Well i'm sure the credentials are right but i have also tried to re-install several times: no way.
I have also stopped and restarted LUA services but nothing has change.
I'm installing lua 2.3.3 but even the previuos versions come with the same problem.
I'm trying to install on Windows server 2008 R2 but the curios thing is: i have also tried to install on windows 7 and well, it worked the first time and stop. second login gave error. Reinstalling on windows 7 hasn't worked like reinstalling on Windows server.
Looks like a db error but i cannot understand how to fix.
ps: no disk space problem: 200 GB and empty SO.