In my company for security purposes PGP Encryption is mandatory. Allthough this puts down the laptop (boot time is around 40 minutes for a 2Ghz Core2Duo) not to mention how it works in general. In order to solve this I decided to deploy the windows on a SSD. After installing everything I had to install I was amazed with the performance of the pc. Ok, this is fantastic.
Now let's start and encrypt this beautiful rage fast disk. Well here comes trouble: after pausing the encryption I rebooted the pc. Guess what? hal.dll missing stroke me in the head and it does that since yesterday, no matter what I am trying.
The scenario is like this:
Laptop: Lenovo T61
SSD: 120GB SSD (samsung)
OS: Windows XP
PGP Version: 10.2
Sata mode: Compatibility (from bios settings)
2 Partitions (checked and alligned)
Start encryption-> pause @ 2% -> reboot->pgp input password-> enter-> "Windows could not start because the following fil is missing or corrupt: <windows root>\system32\hal.dll. Please re-install caopy of the above file.
I've looked everywere for a solution, but until nothing. Can someone please provide some feedback on this?