I just got a new custom built computer with an ASUS motherboard (P9X79) and installed windows 7 home premium on it.
Symantec Endpoint Encryption 10.3 mp1 installs ok and reported that it encrypted my drive (SATA SSD, 512 gb).
I was running the system after it reported it was 100% encrypted.
On rebooting, I just got an error as though there was no bootable disk. Could not boot from the drive. Maybe "No system disk", some error like that. I can't recall the exact error, but basically, BIOS was saying, there's nothing to boot from.
I decided to put in a second SSD and then installed windows and booted into that., and installed WDE into the new windows install. I figured I'd decrypt/access the drive through PGP in windows. However PGP in this new install didnt recognize the drive as being encrypted. When I double clicked on the drive in explorer, windows said "cant do anything with this drive, wanna format it?" (No)
Went into symantec interface, and it didnt recognize it either. Went into whole disk encryption and clicked on the drive and it didnt report it as being encrypted. It offered the choice of encrypting it, implying it did not realize it was already encrypted.
I then went into the command line intercace and enum'd the disks. It thought the drive was not encrypted. pgpwde --enum, it reported the disk was there but didnt think it was encrypted.
I tried to force decrypt the drive with pgpwde --decrypt --disk 1 --interactive, it asked for password, then "admin password" whatever the heck that is, i typed passphrase two. Then failed with "insufficeint resources".
Anyway last resort, burnt a recovery CD and booted into it. Lo and behold, it says found WDE, do I wanna decrypt? I decrypted... and now it works fine. At least the recovery disk was able to recogize that it was there, even though it could not be booted into, and PGP in a second windows install didnt recognize it.
Anyway the issue is, I want to encrypt the disk again... and actually be able to boot into it after I encrypt it. Any ideas on what's going on here?