Recently my company move the virtual server running the PGP command line software to a new location resulting in a new IP but retaining the same DNS name. When I try to decrypt files I get a 2712: Invalid License error. First solution I tried was to relicense the software using the recommended commands:
pgp --license-authorize --license-name "Name" --license-organization "Org Name" --license-number "11111-22222-33333-44444-55555-666' license-auth.txt --license-email --force
The above command returns the following errors
2706: PGP Command Line already has a license
3104: count not read read file, No such file or directory
The problem just began occuring when the virtual server was moved. Any suggestions on how to correct? I've tried multiple verision of the license-authorize command with "" marks in different places to no avail. Thanks in advance.