Format output of userId from Powershell script to DLP
I need a solution I have semi-working Python script that outputs last user logged on.import sys, subprocess, socket, string import wmi, win32api, win32con import pyodbc for item in sys.argv: s =...
View ArticlePGP WDE Desktop Client
I need a solution Hi Team,I am configuring (testing) PGP US-3.2.1 and WDE Desktop clien requirement is after installing the WDE Client on end user system with Silet enrollment, here I...
View ArticleConstant Notfications "Trojan-Zefarch" During Auto-Protect Scan
I need a solution I am receiving notifications from Symantech via a pop-up telling me about a risk that is found and cleaned by deletion - yet I seem to receive notifications literally every second -...
View ArticleFalse Detection
I need a solution I have a Symantec AV version 12.1 running on Windows 7 PC pops up with the following info:Scan type: Auto protect Event: Security Risk Found! Security risk detected:...
View ArticleLatest SEP breaks PPTP VPN
I need a solution Hi all,I have SEP 12.1.4013.4013 running on Win7.With the latest updates it breaks PPTP VPN to a VMware vCenter. It can connect to it, authenticate and all, but timed out "Loading...
View ArticleSymantec Endpoint Protection Application and device control Exception
I need a solution Hi, I am managing a SEP 12 server at my site. We have a custom apllication and control rules configured for one clients group.The issue i am facing is that whenever users try to...
View ArticleSEP 12.1 client restarted services automatically when the client changed...
I need a solution Hi,We have 2 locations in our SEPM : In office (wired and wireless) and out of office location with specific set of policies.In office: when clients are connected to the management...
View Articlesymantec new one
I need a solution Symantec 12.1 ru4 is the current version of my manager, what is the new version avaialble for update?
View ArticlePGP Universal Server - out of memory
I need a solution Hi,from about 1 month i have strange problem with pgp server. At night it hung up with this info in logs:Log: Mail Display InformationSMTP-11540: St9bad_alloc SMTP-11539: Couldn't...
View Articledefintion flow for new branch
I need a solution Average 75-100 systems will be configure in new brach.Can i configure the new Server for that location or being attach with parent server?
View ArticleDLP report
I need a solution Hi All,The weekly report is showes about 85 incidents, but in the DLP tool it showing only 63 incidents only.What could be the problem? please refer the screen short for more...
View ArticleConfigure Content Monitor for SEPM 12.1
I need a solution Im tyring to run the above Deta V1.3 but when I put the 3 files in to C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager i double click on the .bat file and nothing...
View Articleupgrade the SEPM with replication
I need a solution Hi,My SEPM is need to be upgrade. So the best practise which i follow to update?I have read the offical release document and according to it my symantec version is too oldRU1 MP1...
View Article[SEP11+Win7Pro] From centrally managed to personally managed
I need a solution I have the following problem. I have SEP11 installed on my laptop. Until few weeks ago, my SEP was centrally managed by an administrator of my group. I left the group and now I have...
View ArticleSEP11 for Win7Pro: how to convert centrally managed SEP to personally managed
I need a solution I hope this is the right forum. I was in doubt between SECURITY and ENPOINT MANAGEMENT... :/ I have the following problem. I have SEP11 installed on my laptop. Until few weeks ago,...
View ArticleNeed to know more about DCS
I need a solution Hi All,I'm very new to DCS and never have installed; however, would like to know more about it.1) Does Esxi 4.1 is supportable (I know as per the installation guide it says DCS...
View Articleauto-protect not detecting trojans in real-time
I need a solution SMSME running on SBS 2011. I have a scheduled scan every weekend, and I've been getting 5-6 emails each time. The virus is always the same, which shows auto-protect is not...
View Articlenot able to delete worsation from sepm console
I need a solution Hello,Iam not able to delete the worstations in SEPM 12.1.4 console,if i right click on the console it is greyed out,systems are offline.please suggest how to delete?
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