I need a solution
I'm extracting a RU4 package from the console for my SEP clients. First time I did it, vdefs.zip was about 350Mo, that matchs with what I can find in the Inetpub/content and the Whatsnew.txt inside the zip was at the good date.
I extracted the same package another time and now the vdefs.zip is about 260Mo and the whatsnew.txt is marked september 2013! All tries I do now give me a package with a suxh vdefs.zip file !
=> how is that possible ?
=> The vdefs cannot be extracted from inetpub/content because not enough revisions kept for september 2013... Is that extracted directly from the database ?
=> Is there a log of the package creation where I can have information about the source files ?
Thanks in advance for your help.